Sunday, October 24, 2010

Corbam to Albury Thursday 21st October 2010

The following morning, the sun was shining, the sky was blue and the river looked serene! These pictures were taken right at our front door whilst we enjoyed breakfast!

After passing through Yarrawonga, we crossed over into NSW again and stopped by the side of Lake Malwala, a beautiful freshwater lake system. The bridges across the lake stretch side by side with the water sparkling in the sun. This is a man made lake of some 6000 hectares allowing for bird life and recreational activities. Before the railway line extended to Yarrawonga in 1886, riverboats sailed their way as far as Albury transporting timber, wheat and wool. We then returned across the border back into Victoria.

After travelling through Wodonga on the Victorian side of the Murray we crossed over into NSW and arrived in Albury. We travelled on to Hume Dam which was once one of the largest water storage dams in the world. It is a vital part of the Snowy River power scheme. The surrounding paddocks were covered in a haze of purple Patterson's curse.

Sitting atop of Monument Hill is the Albury War Memorial erected after WW1 and is now one of Australia's best known. There are great views of Albury and Wodonga from this spot.
 We had found a good campsite on the river 10 kms out of town earlier in the day and had decided to come back later in the day. Whilst up at Memorial Hill we noticed a great park on the bend of the river right in town.
 We drove down and investigated the park. There were bar-be-ques, toilets and fresh water right beside the canoe club. Apparently, grey nomads (like us!) are welcome to stay overnight even though there are NO camping signs in abundance! We parked up and enjoyed a barbie and of course the local wine! The sun continued to shine and it was an effort to go indoors.

 Canoeists paddled up the river also enjoying the sunshine. It proved to be a popular spot for dog walkers, health fanatics and children.

 Still not a bad view from out the back door!!

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