Friday, October 15, 2010

Port Campbell to Fitzroy River Thursday 14th October 2010

After leaving Apollo Bay, three more rock formations are found. Firstly The Arch;
then London Bridge, half of which fell down...
Then the Grotto, a still mirror pool which is only refreshed by high tide or very big waves..
The next impressive display is the Bay of Martyrs..
closely followed by The Bay of Islands..

At the end of the Great Ocean Road is Warrnambool. Flagstaff Hill is a maritime village which has been lovingly restored. The lighthouse was out on an island off the coast and was disassembled and rebuilt here and is still a working light station today.

We spent the night at another awesome free site at the mouth of the Fitzroy River, just east of Portland. We parked up close to the river's edge another great back window view. During the night the tide came in and when we woke the water was lapping the edge about a meter behind the back wheels. Quite different to this view!

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