Sunday, October 10, 2010

Rye to Port Roadknight Saturday 9th October 2010

On the way to the ferry at Sorrento, we did a quick scenic diversion (we do this a lot!) to Portsea. The sea was quite rough and it is easy to see how Harold Holt was drowned. Anybody would be mad to surf in those conditions.
This rock formation called London Bridge is off Sorrento. Sorrento is beautiful and very expensive. Lots of very big, very expensive, very beautiful homes.
We then boarded the ferry over to Queenscliff. It took 45 minutes and was a great cruise.  Down in the hold, it seemed to be the Apollo convention, a little Apollo and a bigger one.

Once at Queenscliff, we visited the fort. The black Light Station is the only one of its kind in the world. It is located inside the fort and is not accessible to the public. 
 Nearby, there is another light station, this one a normal white one.

It was very hazy and you could just see Melbourne up the bay.

From Queenscliff, we travelled to Bells Beach where the world surfing titles are held each Easter. The waves were enormous and it wasn't a particularly rough day.

We were planning to stay the night at Aireys Inlet however after stopping to view Split Point Lighthouse, the weather was closing in once again and we decided to find a free campsite. At a small beach called Point Roadknight half way between Anglesea and Aireys Inlet there was a great stopover in a secluded beachside area. We had good facilities and slept well.

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