Sunday, October 10, 2010

Port Roadkight to Lorne Sunday 10th October 2010

At Point Roadknight as were setting up camp, Dale spotted two paragliders over the dunes. They were running up the dunes and then taking off into the wind. One almost landed on top of the other as they came into land.
Next morning, the sunrise was perfect. It began a very hot sunny day so differnt from the previous one.
This free camp site once again was a winner!
On the way to the beginning of the Great Ocean Road we spotted the Pole House which is aan icon of this area. It is now a B&B.
Here we are at the Memorial Arch at the beginning of the Great Ocean Road near Lorne.
The road was built by returned service men after the great war and is certainly a credit to them seeing there was no heavy machinery or cranes only man power!
We stayed the night at Lorne parked right on the Erskine River's edge. Dale went fishing, I read a book and we enjoyed a walk up the beach.
Near to the van park was a beautiful swinging bridge and the water was so still, the picture was  a perfect mirror image.

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