Sunday, October 24, 2010

Jugiong to home Saturday 23rd October 2010

We left Jugiong and dawdled as much as we could on the final leg to home. We stopped for lunch at Berrima, a favourite haunt of ours in the Southern Highlands. The old Gaol and Governor's house are only two of the beautiful heritage buildings in this lovely town. As it was such a beautiful day, there were lots of visitors enjoying the sunshine.

 Finally, after 24 fabulous days, we arrived home.
The trip has wetted our appetite for more motorhoming in the future. It is such a relaxing way to travel, like a snail, slowly and with your home on your back! 

Everything about the van was perfect. It fulfilled all our expectations and was comfortable and roomy. We discovered having power is the answer. If you have adequate power you can literally go anywhere and stay as long as you like. Water, which we thought would be a huge problem is everywhere and readily accessible. However, inadequate power makes staying in caravan parks a necessity which limits your freedom. A generator and solar panels will be high on our requirements list.

We feel relaxed and well rested and as the advertisement says; we have enjoyed every piece of Victoria as well as NSW and South Australia. We feel sad we know so little about this great country of ours and its many rural and coastal towns. We only just touched the surface of a tiny piece of this amazing country.

We travelled 5126 kms, stayed 19 nights in free campsites, 5 in caravan parks (by necessity only) and circumnavigated Victoria, with coastal NSW and South Australia thrown in.
The big question of course is when do we go again and where to next time?
Keep watching this page!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a good time!! We dont mind you getting a motorhome...especially if we can borrow it when we ever come over...
    The photo´s are fantastic. Which camera is that..
